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Tomatometer - 8,3 of 10. Actor - Mark Ruffalo. duration - 126 Minute. Todd Haynes. scores - 3622 votes. Release Year - 2019. We may need to put Mark Ruffalo into protective custody after this movie. Hes been pissing off DuPont for quite a while now. Hello! Seems like my first post is being received well, so I decided to keep the story on trucking. If you've got no idea what I mean, here's a link to my first post in this vein of story: I've got no idea how to make fancy links, sorry ^w. I hope you enjoy. First Contact (FC) Base, 1 Week After Landing. Maria was grumpy. This could be said to be from several sources, such as the fact that 'luxuries' such as coffee that isn't watery black swill won't be coming down to FC until it's properly set up and secured. It could also be because the whole base has been on 'round-the-clock work shifts, so it's almost impossible to get any sleep thanks to all the damn noise. Perhaps it could be because the damn moon they were on didn't have the decency to actually get dark at night, which fucked with everyone's circadian rhythms. Mostly though, it was because she wasn't a morning person. And the coffee, that's a big part too. Don't get her wrong, she was thrilled and honored to be colonizing one of the first interstellar planets the SAU had picked out, and the gravity wasn't bad either, much closer to the kind she was used to on Mars. And they were finally taking a further afield sample-gathering mission today, so she'll actually get to use her PHd in Theoretical Xenozoology for something! But- Hey, Stretch! Come on, the day's waiting for us. She sighs, finally getting out of her covers, stretching a bit and touching the roof of her room easily. Haddy loved to push her buttons, and unfortunately, he was good at it. Even more so since he was in her foray group. After a quick shower-as hot as she could get it-she finally managed to wake up, at least enough that she didn't look like a zombie. She pulled her red hair back into a bun, looking herself over to make sure she was dressed to impress. Dressed in her military slacks, boots and a sleeveless shirt, she was about as casual as she ever got. Perfect. Walking through the barracks building and out into the open air, she took a deep breath and sighed, though it took a bit more effort than usual. They'd chosen a mountain for FC Base, which might seem strange, until you consider that none off them wanted to die from co2 buildup. The higher you go, the more oxygen there was, so the mountains were a good bet. The air still felt weird though. She'd only been to Earth and Venus on a few occasions, the gravity always gave her back pains so she never stayed long, but the air on Earth and in the Venetian biodomes were only a bit thicker than on Mars. Here, it felt like she could tie some tarps to her arms and fly, and breathing almost felt like sucking in water outside of the buildings. Either way, it definitely made for an interesting looking base, almost like those terraced farms the Inca used, but for buildings and roads. Currently she was on 3rd level, and she needed to get down to 10th level. Not too hard. Jogging over to the edge of her level, she jumped down, angling to land on the roof of the cafeteria. It was a good 20, 30 foot drop, but even for a Martian she barely had to bend her knees from the impact. Roof jumping had quickly become a favorite pass-time of most of the soldiers, and even a few of the braver civilian personnel, once people realized that a 50 foot drop was as likely to kill you as a 5 foot one. The adrenaline from the seemingly death-defying drops helped Maria perk up, and by the time she got to 'Ground' control, she was as perky as she normally was, bouncing on her toes with a grin as she and the rest of group Firefox met up. Seeing Haddy in front of her, she grinned. He knew how to push her buttons, but she knew how to push his, too. Walking up behind him as silent as possible, she crosses her arms and plant them on his head, leaning her weight into him. "Hey, Armrest, thanks for waking me up. Being an Earth native he doesn't even budge, but he does get all flustered, grumbling under his breath like he always does. "Oh fuck off, Stretch, you're just way too tall. Get a room already. The only response to Tesla's provocation is for both of them to flip him the bird in-sync, getting some chuckles out of them and everyone watching. Before she can continue to tease her friend though, their commander walks through Ground Control's front door, all of Firefox standing at attention once they notice. "At ease. He waves them all off, looking at his clipboard for a moment before gazing through the crowd. Colonel Mc'Connel was usually pretty nice, but during a mission he was a hard-ass, and no one wanted that kind of trouble today. "Alright, you've all got a general idea of what we're doing today, but I'm going to give you the details. Aug-Sight on. With some shuffling, everyone who didn't have it on already does as he says, including Maria. She always turned it off at night, it gave her insomnia otherwise. In a blink, orange lines filled her vision, coalescing into holographic screens only she could see. Already she could see files being downloaded to her system from the Colonel, using some eye gestures to open them as he spoke. "We've already had a good few specimens captured from the nearby area, which has made Bio very happy, but we've got a whole forest down there to chart out and start sampling. Ob's from up high have been looking through thermal scans, doing their best to figure out what we'll find in there, but be careful for any surprises. Right now we've got a few things of interest to look out for. Images pop up in her screens, rotating in 3D to give her a good look at what they'll be facing before switching to other creatures, each as strange as the last. "We've got lots of fliers and arboreal creatures, they seem to thrive in the canopy, including what we're tentatively calling Chiroptera Gigantica, or Titan Bats. The first image is what one could tentatively call a bat, the the little human figure in the corner for scale shows just how big they are. They have barrel-like chests and narrow waists, huge, spindly arms covered in webs like a bat, but they don't seem to have legs. Instead two long, she almost wants to call them tentacles, hang from their back, seeming to act as tails. They also have much more developed eyes, almost more like a gecko than anything. "These are our main concern going in, as they seem to be the largest potential predator we could find from Sat Scans. Although Bio does want one for study, its been decided that we'll leave that for later, when we're more set up here. Next. The holographic slides go on, describing several more creatures. What seems to be a whole Class of animals that fill the avian niche, but look more like a scarab beetle and a butterfly crossed with a flying fish. Warm blooded lizard-like creatures ( They're dinosaurs. Shut it Tesla. Y-yes sir. that come in a variety of sizes, which seem to use gecko-like pads to climb the bark of the trees, jumping between the trunks like a panther. Those and several more, despite being meant to caution them, only made Maria even more excited! The rest of the prep time simultaneously passed as a blur and dragged on for hours for Maria, and she barely even recognized the fact the she was sitting in one of the hovercraft-air powered, not one of the fancy ones-in full kit, Haddy right next to her and giving her one of those looks. The kind that let her know he would hold this against her forever. Looking down her nose at him like a snobby rich girl, she glowers at him, tone appropriately affronted. "And just what is that look for, might I ask. Nothing, nothing at all. Just haven't seen you hopping in your seat like this since that time we went to Disneyland Tharsis for your birthd. Hey hey hey, no childhood secrets. She'd slapped a hand over his mouth, but Tesla and Magdolin had already heard him, so she knew she was doomed. "I don't know, Maria, I feel like this might be pertinent information to the mission. If you don't let him speak, as your commanding officer I'll have to put you in the brig. The shit-eating grin on Maggie's face says other wise, but before she can retort Haddy manages to rip her hand away from his mouth. "She was so excited she peed herself! We had to park at a waystop so her mom could clean her up. As laughter filled the car, Maria could only groan and sit back in her seat, an arm over her eyes. "That's it, I've officially died of embarrassment. Don't worry about my body, just toss me out of the car and let the animals eat me. She gives Haddy a death glare, kicking him in the knee a few times just to be sure he registers her wrath. "I'm haunting you, there's nothing you can do about it. Oh no! Whatever shall I doooo. He lets his voice fade out, but before they can continue the shenanigans, Magdolin speaks up, obviously in 'serious mode. Alright guys, we're about to hit our stop. We don't want any mistakes out here. They all nod, pulling on the respirator masks that would keep them from getting knocked out. Combined with the basic plated armor suits and all of their gear, and the fact the respirators covered all of their face below their eyes, they looked like some kind of elite unit or something. Magdolin set the craft to idle, floating to the ground with a soft clunk and humming. They had to fit them all with electric motors, since combustion engines would just stall out down on the forest floor. They all step out, Tesla and Haddy holding an air pressure pistol and a net gun, respectively. Maggie steps up to the storage cages attached to the back of the hover car, big plastic boxes essentially, and Maria starts setting up scanners around their immediate area. It doesn't take long before she joins Maggie at the back of the car, flipping some screens up in her Aug-Sight while the guys keep watch. So, what do we have nearby. Her voice comes across as slightly tinny, using the com channel for their group so they can still speak. Looks mostly small, not a lot of heat signatures, though all the trees and plants make the readings foggy. Maria had to remind herself not to gawk as she looked up and around. The trees in this forest were absolutely massive, bigger than any other tree she'd seen in her life. They had smooth trunks, only a little rough on the surface, but they were covered in tiny (relative to their size, at least) ridges, small amounts of dirt and various plants growing in them, and with all the different vines and similar plants, every story or so was covered in intertwining greens and blues, to the point the canopy wasn't actually visible from the ground. Despite that, it wasn't that hard to see, though it was definitely dimmer then when they were on the mountain. Over the rest of the day, Maria and the rest of her team slowly begin collecting specimens, mostly clippings off of various nearby plants, but Tesla got to use his net gun to capture a few of the more curious animals, like the 'Bug-Birds' as he so eloquently put it, each in a variety of colors, along with a small, fuzzy creature that seemed to grow algae in its fur. Overall, it seemed like it would be a relatively normal day, but in only a moment the forest around them went completely quiet, eerily so. They'd been a bit more complacent after the hours of relatively easy work, but with the sudden change they all stood up straight, Haddy and Tesla scanning the undergrowth around them like hawks. Maggie turns to Maria, who already is looking through the data to try and figure out what's going on. I know, I know, give me a we go. I'm getting seismic readings to our 3'oclock, onboard computer is guessing a larger beast, unknown gait, probably around 200-300 lbs EG. I think it's heading right for us. The anxiety in her voice is clear, no body wants to run into an unkown creature in the middle of an alien forest after all. Maggie turns to the other two, issuing orders as Maria starts to exit out of Aug-Sight screens, leaving only the pertinent ones for tracking the thing. Tesla, start helping us pack! Hadron, on our 3, you're our best shot at stopping whatever it is cold if it tries to attack us. Suddenly the clearing is exploding into motion, three of the team trying to pack and secure as much as they can while Hadron keeps his sights on where slowly growing noises can be heard. It's only thanks to their urgency that they haven't already packed up the scanning equipment, and thanks to that Maria pauses for a moment as something new is picked up. Wait, guys, hold on! I don't think its running at us, I think its running away from som. Before she can finish her sentence, the creature bursts through the underbrush for them all to see, and Haddy yells as he charges at it. The creature was probably the most alien thing they'd seen so far. It seemed to have a core of hardened wood and some kind of shell-like material, long fern-like strands sticking right up out of the core, making the beach ball sized mass seem even bigger. Out from the bottom, dozens of vine-like tentacles were allowing it to run over and around the thick roots and foliage. It wasn't entirely clear how exactly the thing was seeing where it was going, but however it did it obviously wasn't expecting Haddy. You see the thing is, it was around 200-300 lbs EG, as in, that's how much it would weigh on earth. That's a formidable amount even on this Auro P4 M16 for a Martian, but for an Earthling? Hadron hit the thing like a cannon ball. He punched right through the almost muscular vines, grabbing two armfuls and holding tight, accidentally crushing the end of one under his foot and pretty much cutting it in two. The thing starts writhing, and if it had the ability it probably would have screamed in pain. As it was, the smell of rotten fruit filled the air, though none of the team could smell it. Holding onto the thing was apparently easy enough for the man, since he went one step farther and started spinning. It couldn't really fight him on that, with him being so much more dense, and after a few rotations and a roar of exertion, he lets go, the creature flying through the air and hitting one of the closest trees with a sickening crack! He stands there, panting, before putting his hands in the air, letting out a little whoop while Tesla, Maggie, and Maria look on in shock. "Whoo! Ok, that was terrifying, but I just fucking shot-put an alien that was awesome. He turns around, wanting to see their faces, not noticing the creature slowly lumbering back to its feet, the large, sap leaking cracks in its core and torn ferns and vines only slowing it down slightly. Maria, on top of the cargo bed of the car, is the first to see it, gasping before shouting out. Shit! Haddy, look out. Before she could finish her sentence, or the creature could bring its tendrils down on the earthling in question, several whistling sounds fill the air, followed by dull thocks! Hadron flinches and turns around, and is surprised as anyone else to see the creature collapsing only a few feet away from him, several spears lodged into the crack he'd made in its core. Everyone is, understandably, confused, looking around warily before Maria remembers what she'd seen in the scans, pulling them up once more and gasping again (she really needed to stop doing that, she was going to use up all her air like that at this rate. Guys, up on that vine! They aren't showing up on camera, but thermal says there's 3 bibeds. She points them out, everyone looking up to emingly nothing. After a few moments of confusion though, something gives off a high little squeak, and suddenly they're looking at, human, raptor things? The hop down to the ground, warily approaching Haddy and Tesla, the closest humans, looking between the creature and their little convoy. Maria could care less about the monster though, her jaw would currently be on the floor if not for her mask if she were being honest. The, beings she guessed, only came up to Haddy's waist at head-height, which only put them at a bit above her own knee. They had long, bunny-like ears, which they seemed to be able to control pretty easily, big eyes that were mostly iris and pupil, and short snouts, small enough that they had something close to lips, rather than just flaps of skin. Their shoulders and torso were thin, and she noticed a pair of slits just under their bottom ribs, one on each side, which seemed to open and close in time with the strange, rippling motion their chests did, which she assumed was breathing. Their legs were large and muscled, ending digitigrade like a werewolf, though with webbed skin between clawed toes, like a cross between a dog and a duck. Their hands were similar, 3 fingers and a thumb with webbing connecting them all, and what seemed like two retractable bits of webbing along their forearms. That combined with the tails they had, about as long as they were tall, with a set of extendable bits of webbing along the sides starting half way down points to them being gliders. They also were able to, you know, camouflage into seemingly nothing, and even now their fur was shifting into different colors and shapes, moving along their bodies as they looked at us expectantly. do we tell the brass we found tribal alien rabbit people. Tesla kept things light, as usual, Haddy looked lost, Maggie appeared to be in the middle of getting a migrane, and Maria simply squeed. They were so cute. Forest Outskirts, On the True Ground, 1 Week After Sunset-On-The-Sky's Hunter's Trial. Sunset-On-The-Sky was grumpy. This could be because of several reasons, such as how, after only just completing his Hunter's Trial, he'd ended up on a 3 day hunt for a ficoren. It could also be because, rather than someone competent, he'd been stuck with Gloom-Under-Leaves, who wouldn't be able to find the tip of his tail if you painted it with luminescence! Starlight-After-Rain was alright, but she was a bit stoic at the best of times, didn't really seem like the kind who could loosen up. And now, they'd found these strange. creatures, and they had to find some way to communicate with them on how to split the bounty. Don't get him wrong, he's proud and honored to be a part of the Hunting Circle now, providing food and protecting the tribe from the dangers of the lower layers, and actually hunting a ficoren was an amazing opportunity. But- Focus Sun, we have to figure out how to do this right. He lets his ears flop down in exasperation, earning another honk from the creature on top of the strange contraption. It isn't like they could really do much anyways. The short one was clearly some kind of supernatural warrior, to be able to manhandle a full-grown ficoren the way it did, and it gave them the opening needed to strike the vulnerable innards of the beast, but all four of the unreasonably tall beings refused to change their colors! It was just the same static shapes and colors, like they didn't feel any emotion at all, and weren't willing to speak up. Without that communication, there was no way to relinquish rights of the beast-as loathe as Sun was to do so-and they were all kind of just stuck looking at each other awkwardly. After a good minute of nobody doing anything, Sunset-On-The-Sky finally just huffs-that strange tallest one honks again at that, will it do so for everything he does? and walks forward. It's pretty obvious that they aren't going to harm each other at this point, and he wants to get this over with so he can get some sleep and some warm food in his belly. He grabs the magic warrior by the wrist, noticing that they don't have fur, but something more like an exoskeleton with bits of semi-smooth hide on the parts that need to flex, before turning and pulling them- oof! Sun blinks up at the vines, confused for a moment before realizing what happened. When he'd tried to pull the warrior along, he'd nearly wrenched his own arm out of its socket, they were so strong and heavy it was like trying to move a boulder! He could see his troop glimmering orange-yellow, so he flapped his arm membranes at them. Let them laugh it up, he'd like to see them move the creature! Getting back up, noticing that the other creatures behind the warrior were making more of those low, honking noises-though different ones to what the tallest was making earlier-he glowers red-black at what he's sure is their way of showing amusement before tugging at the warrior's wrist once again, more gently this time, guiding it over to the ficoren and gesturing to it, using his chest to shape the simplest animati he could. The creature only seemed more confused, and Sunset-On-The-Sky could only droop his ears and go navy. How the heck was he supposed to communicate with an idiot who didn't even know basic animati.

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Gordon Ramsay should know about this place :D. Dark Waters download full version. It's nice that Adam reminds us he can actually act when he makes a decent movie, I just wish he'd do it more than once every 2 decades. From Disney Lmfao. This shit happens all the time, nobody is ever going to hold corporations accountable. Dark Waters Download full article. Dark waters download full torrent. Dark Waters download full. It's so great mark ruffalo always gives credit, who write the article, who were the real life inspirations for this film.

Game Information Game Title: Death Stranding Platforms: PlayStation 4 (Nov 8, 2019) PC (Jun 27, 2020) Trailers: Death Stranding - The Drop Promotional Trailer, PS4 Death Stranding – Briefing Trailer, PS4 Death Stranding – Release Date Reveal Trailer, PS4 Death Stranding - E3 2018 4K Trailer, PS4 Developer: Kojima Productions Review Aggregator: OpenCritic - 86 average - 83% recommended - 73 reviews Critic Reviews 3DNews - - Russian - 7 / 10 An intriguing plot, an interesting universe, an outstanding performance by amazing actors and an incredible soundtrack can't hide the fact that Death Stranding has repetitive missions, unexciting open world with a lot of samey elements and disappointing boss fights. It could've been so much more if some parts of the game didn't feel so rushed, but if you are here for the story — you are in for a ride. Areajugones - Juan Linares - Spanish - 9. 7 / 10 Death Stranding is one the best games to be found in PS4. Kojima-san delivers an open world in which we have to represent a bridge between the narrative of the game and other players in order to keep moving forward as part of a world that needs us. The game introduces characters that keep on evolving until we reach an ending for the ages through a story told like very few would be able to. Death Stranding knows how to toy with our emotions, and it manages to arise anguish, tension, solitude, sorrow, joy and provides a conclusion that completely stuns us. The end is only the beginning. Atomix - Alberto Desfassiaux - Spanish - 100 / 100 Death Stranding is the birth of a new genre. Death Stranding is a master piece that can only be generated by a mind like the one that Hideo Kojima has. Attack of the Fanboy - Kyle Hanson - 4 / 5 stars Death Stranding is equal parts amazing and exasperating. AusGamers - Steve Farrelly - 6 / 10 In the end, all I can really say is this: handle Death Stranding with care. CGMagazine - Joel Couture - 7. 5 / 10 Death Stranding's attention to the real may make it difficult to enjoy, but it is undeniably an experience that will both scourge and soothe the heart. COGconnected - Paul Sullivan - 93 / 100 Death Stranding is an outstanding title that ended up blowing away the expectations I wasnt even aware of. For an auteur like Hideo Kojima, that sounds like an unequivocal success. Daily Star - Jordan Oloman - 5 / 5 stars Death Stranding is the most unique big-budget game Ive ever played, a socially-minded injection of inventive ideas into a genre that has long survived by being lazy and brutish. This ambitious formula-flipper is brimming with empathy and carefully courts cinematic influences, an ensemble cast and a world of eye-watering scale, delivering a sticky gameplay loop to tie it all together and create a console generation-defining experience. Destructoid - Chris Carter - 8 / 10 Death Stranding is not the overly-strange inaccessible walled garden the marketing has made it out to be. It's weird, don't get me wrong! But anyone with a surface-level understanding of surrealism in art should be able to acclimate to what is essentially a playable Hollywood production. Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5 stars As a “game” Death Stranding doesnt do much. But as a work of art, Death Stranding is something mesmerising, intelligent, and powerful, and we never see genuine art within the big budget, blockbuster space. That alone makes it a rare treat to play, and I rather like this new-look, independent Kojima. EGM - Mollie L Patterson - 10 / 10 In the end, Death Stranding's biggest mystery isn't any of the elements we've had teased in three-plus years of trailers—it's what people are going to think of it. Even from a man known for making love-them-or-hate-them projects, this may end up being one of the most divisive games ever created. For me, it was an experience that I can truly say was unlike any other I remember. And, if nothing else, Death Stranding makes me respect Hideo Kojima for convincing Sony to invest millions into a game that's about a man delivering packages to holograms. Easy Allies - Ben Moore - 8 / 10 Death Stranding is a fearless game that often stumbles, but is still fascinating overall. *Review Copy Provided by PlayStation Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - Mind-blown Death Stranding is the culmination of years worth of hype, misteries and expectation, in a genre-transcending game. An emotional and provocative interactive experience presented in a way that is only possible in a videogame. Eurogamer - Oli Welsh - Recommended Hideo Kojma's first post-Metal Gear game is a messy, indulgent vanity project - but also a true original. Alessandro Bruni - Italian - 9 / 10 A precious experience that deserves a place of right among the most significant titles of our generation. Game Informer - Matthew Kato - 7 / 10 The pillars of gameplay, combat, and story all bear the mark of creator Hideo Kojima, but none of them stand out or carry the experience Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner - 5 / 5 stars Death Stranding is one of the best games Ive ever played. Its smart, its well-produced, and it just feels good to play. GameMAG - Russian - 9 / 10 In Death Stranding complex themes of life and death, love and loneliness are mixed with a slow meditative and at the same time intense gameplay, where climbing the mountain slopes surrounded by enemies causes incredible experiences. The story of Sam Porter's journey is the most emotional, incredible and powerful we've seen in the last few years. And of course, the amazing acting of Norman Reedus, Lea Seydoux, Mads Mikkelsen and other cult actors will not leave anyone indifferent. GamePro - Hannes Rossow - German - 89 / 100 An idiosyncratic but outstanding game that provides entertainment with fresh ideas, a crazy story, and star power. GameSpot - Kallie Plagge - 9 / 10 Death Stranding is dense, complex, and powerful, steadfast in its belief in the power of love and hope when faced with overwhelming adversity. Gameblog - Thomas Pillon - French - 8 / 10 Death Stranding is first of all a game which, tries, experiments, and full of ideas. Playing the role of the lonely Sam Porter Bridges, the player is connected with everyone else thanks to a clever system of collaboration, which works really well thanks to a thoughtful game design. But to enjoy the long run through what seems to be the most beautiful Iceland landscape, you will have to go through a thick, complex and most of all tedious story, which seems to never know when to stop, or being simply limpid. Gameplanet - Billy Atman - 10 / 10 While Death Stranding will surely be the most divisive game of this generation, there is no arguing that it offers new ideas on pushing the medium forward and shows that games don't always typically have to be "fun. The story is beautifully presented and is surprisingly restrained and focused for a Kojima title. All of the actors put on amazing performances and while its gameplay will be too slow for many, those willing to peel back the layers will discover a thoughtfully designed experience that will leave you ruminating for weeks after finishing. Gamersky - 不倒翁蜀黍 - Chinese - 10 / 10 Death Stranding is a game about connection, and it connects not only every character of the game but also every gamer together. It's a masterpiece with great philosophy thoughts and combines great storytelling with innovative gameplay. GamesRadar. 3. 5 / 5 stars Kojima's mysterious would be epic has its moments but can't carry the weight of expectation. Gaming Nexus - Randy Kalista - 9. 5 / 10 Hideo Kojima has fully weaponized the walking simulator, writing a love letter to the delivery service workers of our shipping and handling world. Death Stranding is about ending isolation, and does it so gracefully that I can't imagine it being done better than it's done here. GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 9 / 10 Death Stranding is definitely an acquired taste, and its slow pacing and deliberate gameplay might not be for everyone, but its mechanical depth, its desolately beautiful and haunting world, and its confident and stylistic storytelling nonetheless make for a continental trek worth experiencing. GamingTrend - Codi Spence - 100 / 100 Death Stranding is a story of rebuilding America by connecting people far and wide. Stealth, exploration, combat, and inventory management are all necessary in order to succeed. With a fantastic cast, incredible set pieces, an engaging story, and Kojima's brand of incredibly enjoyable crazy, you won't want to put your controller down. Geek Culture - Jake Su - 9. 4 / 10 A true masterpiece by Hideo Kojima, Death Stranding is an experience unlike any other, and you must try it to believe it. Glitched Africa - Marco Cocomello - 10 / 10 Not everyone will love Death Stranding and I wont blame you. The game is not for everyone. Some episodes take over two dozen hours to complete and the rinse and repeat delivering mechanics could be an issue for some. However, it always rewards you in some way or another. Be it with its gorgeous and detailed world that is a joy to explore or the fantastic story that unfolds as you discover everything this ambitious game has to offer. There is simply nothing else like it and to be able to dive into it all is a magnificent experience one which will define this generation of gaming. God is a Geek - Chris White - 9 / 10 Death Stranding is an ambitious game, filled with so many different mechanics and ideas that almost always work well together. The story and acting is fantastic, and its visuals are a thing of beauty, not to mention the powerful soundtrack. Guardian - Dan Dawkins - 4 / 5 stars With gameplay that denies instant gratification, Hideo Kojima's unashamedly political game is this year's most interesting blockbuster game by far Hardcore Gamer - Adam Beck - 3. 5 / 5 Death Stranding is a cerebral experience that isn't fun. Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 93 / 100 Death Stranding is Kojima´s most personal game. A complex and emotional work of art, which is not adequate for everyone because of the slow pace and the unusual gameplay. But once you get it, it´s something you will never forget. IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 6. 8 / 10 Death Stranding delivers a fascinating world of supernatural sci-fi, but its gameplay struggles to support its weight. IGN Italy - Italian - 9. 8 / 10 Death Stranding is a one of a kind experience that will stick with you for years to come. IGN Middle East - Moustafa Gad - Arabic - 7. 8 / 10 Kojima's new open-world adventure delivers heavily on story, crafting a journey that is impeccably directed, with a story that will stay with you for a while. However, the game leaves a lot to desired when it comes to its gameplay and that's where it falters the most. IGN Spain - Spanish - 8. 7 / 10 Kojima has done it again. Death Stranding presents an exciting story full of plot twists that are truly amazing. The game has one of the most interesting exploration systems we've ever seen and its way of connecting the community is very interesting. It wont leave anybody indiferent. INDIANTVCZ - Filip Kraucher - Czech - 9 / 10 Death Stranding is technically well crafted game. Hideo Kojima surpassed himself in terms of writing and game loop. The game offers an excellent narrative story that really makes a deep sense. Furthermore, you will get an unprecedented cast, an exceptional soundtrack and above all, the game brings its own vision. Perhaps it does not establish a brand new genre. But it is a great game with style for which gamers love Kojima Productions so much. JVL - French - 19 / 20 Sublime in form and substance, Death Stranding is one of the greatest games of this generation. Kotaku - Heather Alexandra - Unscored Its hard not to like Sam Bridges, who faces all of Death Strandings bizarreness with a welcome everymans weariness, encapsulated in in Norman Reedus characteristic growl. LevelUp - Luis Sánchez - Spanish - 8. 5 / 10 Despite having a well-designed and quite addictive gameplay loop, a great story with a powerful ending, Death Stranding falls shorts in key areas. With a long and lethargic pacing, players will turn away, and then, it's lack of difficulty will surely seal the deal to leave this adventure for later. Merlin'in Kazanı - Ersin Kılıç - Turkish - 82 / 100 Death Stranding is a game that focuses on the journey rather than the goal. If you are looking for a different and unique adventure, should try Death Stranding. Metro GameCentral - David Jenkins - 7 / 10 A work of unbridled ambition and imagination but also a pretentious, contrived, and frequently quite dull gameplay experience – Death Stranding is peak Hideo Kojima. Nerdburglars - Dan Hastings - 9 / 10 Death Stranding is a game with a fantastic and uniquely interesting story. Backed with a strong cast of experienced actors, the game manages to tell the story flawlessly. The gameplay doesnt quite live up to the same level. The delivery aspects are fun and in its own, tells a story. It just gets quite repetitive over time and leaves you wanting a bit more diversity to the delivery missions. Overall, Death Stranding should be seen as a very successful first project for Kojima productions and is hopefully a sign of many more to come. Next Gen Base - Ben Ward - 9. 5 / 10 Death Stranding is a weird game. It wont be for everyone, but if you can find something to like in the relatively slow start, youll love it by the end. Typically Kojima for better and for worse, its a story about reconnecting people through the eyes of a bystander that becomes much more than that. Technically and visually outstanding, its going to be up there on my Game of the Year list for sure. A weird, but wonderful game. Nexus - Sam Aberdeen - 9. 2 / 10 It's hard to pin down exactly what makes Death Stranding work in my mind, but a masterful presentation, stunning open world, and captivating characters contribute to one of this generations most unforgettable games, for better or worse. Oyungezer Online - Ömer Akdağ - Turkish - 8. 5 / 10 I haven't witnessed such creative mechanics, such a deep and meaningful scenario and high quality visuals for a long time. There are some underlying issues but I can easily say this: Kojima delivered again! PSX Brasil - Leonardo Cidreira - Portuguese - 95 / 100 Death Stranding is certainly one of the best titles I've had the pleasure of playing in this generation and the seed responsible for creating a whole new subgenre that will undoubtedly bear beautiful fruit in the future. Hideo Kojima has excelled himself by giving us not only an exceptional story, but a vast world that is constantly changing because of the actions of the players. It is certainly not a game that will please everyone, but I can guarantee that those who get carried away by its proposal, plot and mechanics will have an unforgettable experience. Tomorrow is in your hands. Joab Gilroy - D Many expect things of Hideo Kojima, but it takes a degree of self-confidence to deliver something else instead. He left Konami because he wasnt allowed to take the time and spend the money to make the game he wanted, so it is depressing to see Death Stranding make so many mistakes that appear on some level to be dictated by what people expect. Polygon - Russ Frushtick - Unscored Having been smitten by the core world-building gameplay of Death Stranding, I am stunned to realize that many of the games strongest, most appealing gameplay ideas (specifically the world-building and cooperation) are tossed aside in the final acts, in favor of a much more linear, scripted, cutscene-ridden experience. The freedom and sense of ownership I enjoyed while creating this world are dashed in favor of explaining and wrapping up a story that never had much going for it to begin with. Post Arcade (National Post. Chad Sapieha - 9 / 10 Hideo Kojima's first post-Konami game is deeply weird and a tad scattershot, but rarely less than compelling and absolutely unforgettable PowerUp. Leo Stevenson - 3 / 10 Death Stranding is not entertaining. As such, it fails as a video game, it fails as a narrative and it fails overall. Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 8 / 10 Hideo Kojima has long been a visionary auteur, his feted career stands as proof. With no walls to contain him, he has given birth to Death Stranding. It's an experience that will be remembered for a long time, from its early hype to the untethered lunacy of its narrative. It's an art installation of a game that filled me with rage as often as it did joy. It is sweeping in both lustre and purpose, though it wears a few warts on the pleasant, bare bones of a game about deliveries that has no right to be as memorable as it somehow is. Push Square - Liam Croft - 10 / 10 Following years of mysterious anticipation, Death Stranding delivers on all fronts. An accomplished, fascinating set of gameplay mechanics allow you to make deliveries the way you want to, while social features let the game live on once you've put the controller down. It may become slightly tiresome as you hit the halfway mark, but the phenomenal narrative is on hand to pick things back up again and its outstanding visuals are the cherry on top. Death Stranding doesn't raise the bar for any particular genre, it creates an entirely new one. Tom� Kun�k - Slovak - 9 / 10 Long awaited launch of Kojima's project is here. With unique story and fine gameplay. Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 8 / 10 Is it a new genre of games? Perhaps, but it definitely succeeds in presenting polished and novel, even revolutionary, ideas even if the overall experience can drag on and feel monotonous at times due to uneven story and set-piece pacing. Screen Rant - Cody Gravelle - 5 / 5 stars Death Stranding is dizzying, unshakable in its belief it is doing something worthwhile, and it's one of the most important games of this decade. Shacknews - Brittany Vincent - 9 / 10 This is one of the rare times I wish Hideo Kojima had created a lengthy film or a series instead of a video game. At least then people might not approach it with trepidation or with derision. You know how it goes: Oh, it's a video game. There's no way it can be that good. Skill Up - Ralph Panebianco - Unscored Kojima had the weight of the world on his shoulders; impossibly high expectations that seemed impossible to deliver on. Many are going to think he failed. I think he succeeded spectacularly. Spaziogames - Stefania Tahva Sperandio - Italian - 9. 4 / 10 Death Stranding screams Hideo Kojima in every single detail. If you are looking for a journey and an experience, something that you will hold dear for quite sometime, this is the game you have been waiting for. It may lack some variety in the quest design, but the asynchronous multiplayer and the depth of the storytelling are captivating. Spiel Times - Caleb Wysor - 9 / 10 Death Stranding is a distorted vision of the open-world genre, pulled apart by its individual threads, deconstructed, and sewn back together in the image of its director, Hideo Kojima. Its an astonishing, compelling and provocative experience, even if it isnt always as exciting to play as it is to think about. Stevivor - Steve Wright - 3. 5 / 10 Even if Death Strandings narrative was good — and its not — a game needs to have actual gameplay. What you find within is abysmal; frustrating, tedious and beyond repair, it is to be avoided at all costs. The Games Machine - Danilo Dellafrana - Italian - 8. 8 / 10 Death Stranding is a good game, as well as the most ambitious work born from the mind of Hideo Kojima. It's not perfect, but successfully captures the player in a dark and fragmented world, so it's really worth fighting for. TheSixthAxis - Tuffcub - 10 / 10 Death Stranding is like nothing I have ever played; beautiful, heart racing, heart breaking, frustrating, epic, stunning, and utterly nuts. I laughed, I cried, I cursed, and I went to the toilet an awful lot. Death Stranding isn't just my Game of the Year, it's a contender for Game of the Generation too. TrueGaming - Arabic - 7 / 10 This is Death Stranding, a long series of what feels like a long series of essential side missions which is rather disappointing because it truly brought us an exceptional cinematic experience and a high grade production value TrustedReviews - Jade King - 5 / 5 stars Death Stranding is unlike anything else out there right now. It's huge, innovative and utterly unashamed in what it wants to be. Kojima Productions is heavy-handed in its implementation of modern political themes, but they tie into the narrative and involve the player in ways that feel compelling. USgamer - Kat Bailey - 3. 5 / 5 stars Death Stranding might be Kojima's boldest game to date. It may also be his most tedious. Either way, its originality outweighs its sometimes exhausting structure and poor pacing. but only just. Maybe not a game I would recommend to everyone, but certainly one of the most interesting games of 2019. VG247 - Kirk McKeand - 3 / 5 stars If you do manage to hold out, you will be rewarded with flashes of brilliance, its just that those flashes are buried as deep as the core story is buried in the endless dialogue. VideoGamer - Joshua Wise - 8 / 10 Death Stranding is filled with things that must be seen, a sprawling, genre-spanning sci-fi adventure from a developer like no other. It's tackier clumps of writing and stunt casting seem overwrought, but its direction and its stars shine brightest We Got This Covered - David Morgan - 5 / 5 stars Like any genre-pushing work of art, Death Stranding is sure to be divisive. That said, the unflinching vision of its director is a breath of fresh air in an industry increasingly unwilling to swing for the fences. Worth Playing - Andreas Salmen - 9. 1 / 10 Death Stranding is a remarkable experience. Full stop. It's the first game I've played where everything from the story to the gameplay work together as a truly cohesive product. ZTGD - Ken McKown - 8 / 10 Kojima and his team have crafted something that truly feels unique, for better or worse. It is hard to compare it to anything else, but that doesnt always mean it was fun. Not everyone will adore this game, but I guarantee no one will ever be able to forget it either.

So, basically if I ever end up with a serious illness then I should take it up with DuPont? Sounds good.

This is the story based on a real person named "Robert Bilott" and inspired by an article titled "The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare." Robert Bilott (Mark Ruffalo) is a lawyer who primarily defends chemical corporations until a farmer from his old town of West Virginia asks for help to prove that there are chemicals being dumped in the water that is the cause of large amount of cow deaths. Although unconvinced at first, through excessive research and digging, Robert begins to find horrifying evidence of something much worse than just a deadly chemical to cows, but humans and all creatures alike.
If I'm being honest, I don't have much to say in this realm. The direction by Todd Haynes was as technically solid as any other good film. Yes, just "good." The color palette was probably a little too dull even for the subject matter and really the film's strong points really lye in the writing and some strong performances. I feel almost any other director could've done the same job, if not better.
The writing is definitely a step up from the directing. The writing isn't perfect as there are some scenes that almost seemed unnecessary and just had me thinking "get to the story! Now, there is much to be said about how much time and effort it must've been to retrieve all of this information and translate it to script. Yes, it's been done before, ie: Spotlight, Zodiac, etc., but this is quite possibly one of the most important stories to be told today as this is something that is still affecting everyone. TODAY. It is based on the NYTIMES article "The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare" by Nathanial Rich, but obviously there was far more research than a 10ish page article.
The acting is definitely where the juice is at. This is where you take your regular beef sandwich and baptize it (In case you're not american enough to know what this means, it means you dump in in the beef juice. Mark Ruffalo gives a similarly excellent performance as he did in Spotlight. WOAH WOAH, I didn't say it was AS good, I said it was SIMILAR. Cool it, Mary. It's expected, but he really makes the film what it is. Anne Hathaway is great, as usual, but her role as the wife wasn't integral to the story. I understand showing he has a life outside of work with kids and a wife and showing the kid's grow older and older gives substance to the prolonged journey Robert is taking, but these were the scenes I felt could've been cut or replaced. Tim Robbins is in this and some other people and some other people. All did well, just kind've interchangeable.
Mr. John "The Sexy and Over-qualified or something Critic Guy" Yanulis, you rated this film a 3.5/5, yet after reading your overly long review it seems like a high rating. What can I say? I like it Ruff and I'm a sucker for investigative films on important and interesting topics. Also, I prefer rating my films on a 1-10 bases, but I'm limited. So really for me this film is like a 6.6/10.

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